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Managing Tags

In the Workspace settings, you can add, update, and delete tags. You can use tags throughout the platform to categorize your resources, such as sources and validators. You can use tags to define alert conditions when configuring notification rules. For more information, see Notification Rules.

To add a new tag,

  1. Navigate to Workspaces > Tags to display the tags configured in your system.
  2. Click + New tag.
  3. In the Create tag dialog, choose the type of tag, Label or Custom.
    1. For Label tags, enter a Value.
    2. For Custom tags, enter a Key and Value.
  4. Click Create.



You can also add and edit tags for sources and validators in their respective details panels. For more information, see Source details panel and Validator details panel.

In the ⋮ menu you see these options:

  • Update: Edit the tag’s key or value.
  • Delete: Remove the tag from the system.