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Power BI

Power BI is a platform for unified, scalable self-service, and enterprise business intelligence (BI).

Prerequisites for Integrating with Power BI

To connect Validio to your Power BI instance,

  1. Register a Microsoft Entra application for Validio. You will need the Application (client) ID, client secret key, and Directory (tenant) ID from this application. This application is the service account you will reference to create a PowerBI credential in Validio. For more information, refer to Microsoft documentation.
  2. Create a Microsoft Entra security group and add your registered application as a member.
  3. In your Power BI Admin portal, ensure that you have permissions to access and read data from the relevant workspaces. You should have the following settings:
    • In Tenant settings, enable โ€œService principals can use Fabric APIsโ€ and apply it to the relevant security groups.
    • In Workspaces, add the Microsoft Entra application as a Member to the relevant workspace.

Add a Power BI Credential

To add a Power BI credential in Validio,

  1. Navigate to Credentials, and click + New Credential.
  2. Under Credential Type, select Power BI Credential.
  3. Fill in the configuration parameters for the credential type. For more information, see Power BI Credential Parameters.
  4. Click Create.

Validio will perform a validation step to ensure that the Power BI account can be successfully accessed. If validation passes, Validio will automatically start fetching data and you will be able to view Power BI assets and their relationships in the Catalog (if selected) and Lineage pages. If validation fails, check that you provided the correct parameter values.

Power BI Credential Parameters

Credential TypePower BI Credential
NamespaceDefines where the credential will be created.
NameThe identifier used to reference the credential within Validio.
Client IDThe client ID of your Azure registered application.
Client SecretThe client secret of your Azure registered application.
Tenant IDThe tenant ID of your Azure registered application.
Use for CatalogCheck to include Power BI assets in the catalog.

View Power BI Assets in Catalog

To view the Power BI assets in Catalog, navigate to Catalog and select the BI Tools tab.

The Power BI assets are listed and organized by Name, source Type, Credential, Date, and Tags. To view more information about each asset, click on the row to open the details panel.


BI Tool Assets and Sources

Validio BI tool integrations are only credentials, and you cannot use them to create sources or convert their assets to sources.

For more information, see About Data Catalog.

View Power BI Relationships in Lineage

To view the Sigma assets in Lineage, navigate to Lineage . You can also open Lineage directly for an asset by clicking on the asset in the BI Tools list and clicking on the View in Lineage button in the side panel.

For more information, see About Data Lineage.