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Reviewing Incident Groups

The Incidents page gives an overview of the incident groups on all of your Sources. You can use the Incidents page to review the status of incident groups, assign ownership, and then delve into detailed information for each group.

The incidents page is located at Issues > Incidents.

Incident Histogram

The incidents histogram summarizes data quality over time. The date range of the graph and the data quality score is displayed next to the title of the graph. You can hover on the score to see the total number of incidents over the time range. You can also see a breakdown of the incident counts by severity (High, Medium, Low).

You can zoom into different relative time periods on the graph using the default buttons or by sliding the window to select the range. When you change the time range, the page updates based on the time range that has been selected.

Incidents Table

The incidents table lists all of the incidents that occurred over the selected time range and includes information described in the following table:

Column NameDescription
IncidentsHistogram of the severity of the incidents in the group with a count.
GroupThe incident group identifier. You can click on an incident group to open the details page for that group, where you can manage, debug, and view the root cause analysis to troubleshoot and resolve issues.

For more information, see Managing Incidents.
SourceThe source where the incident group occurred. You can click on the source to navigate to its details page.
StatusThe progress of the incident resolution: Triage, Investigating, and Resolved, False Positive (or not an anomaly).
PriorityThe priority (High, Medium, Low) is automatically determined based on the severity of the incidents in the group and how long the incident has been ongoing.
OwnerThe username of any owner assigned to the incident.
First SeenThe date when the first incident in the group occurred.
Last SeenThe date when the last incident in the group occurred.

Filter the Incidents List

You can filter the incidents list by selecting one or more values of Priority, Status, Owner, Source, Status, and Validator. You can also filter incidents by selecting a different time range in the incidents graph.

Update the Incident Owner

To assign an owner to one more more incidents:

  1. Check the box for each incident you want to update.
  2. Click Assign owner.
  3. Select the new owner to apply to all the selected incidents.