SQL Filter Expression Reference
The SQL filter evaluates a boolean expression in the context of a datapoint.
Data Types
Similar data types map internally to the same json type. For example CAST
ing a value to INT
has the same effect as CAST
ing the same value to Float
The following data types are supported:
SQL | Validio type |
Varchar | String |
Text | String |
Integer | Number |
Int | Number |
Float | Number |
Double | Number |
Boolean | Boolean |
Bool | Boolean |
Timestamptz | Timestamp |
Timestamp | Timestamp |
Arithmetic Functions
SQL Function | Description |
+number | Returns number |
-number | Returns negative number |
numbar1 + number2 | Returns number1 plus number2 |
number1 - number2 | Returns number1 minus number2 |
number1 * number2 | Returns number1 multiplied by number2 |
number1 / number2 | Returns number1 divided by number2 |
number1 % number2 | Returns the remainder (modulus) of number1 divided by number2 |
POWER(base, exponent) | Raises base to the power of exponent |
SQRT(number) | Returns the square root of number |
LN(number) | Returns the natural logarithm (base 3) of number |
LOG(number, base) | Returns the logarithm of number using base |
CEIL(number) | Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to number |
FLOOR(number) | Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to number |
Comparison Functions
SQL Function | Description |
value1 = value2 | Returns TRUE if value1 is equal to value2. |
value1 <> value2 | Returns TRUE if value1 is not equal to value2. |
value1 != value2 | Returns TRUE if value1 is not equal to value2. |
value1 > value2 | Returns TRUE if value1 is greater than value2. |
value1 < value2 | Returns TRUE if value1 is less than value2. |
value1 >= value2 | Returns TRUE if value1 is greater than or equal to value2. |
value1 <= value2 | Returns TRUE if value1 is less than or equal to value2. |
value1 IS NULL | Returns TRUE if value1 is NULL. |
value1 IS NOT NULL | Returns TRUE if value1 is not NULL. |
value1 BETWEEN value2 AND value3 | Returns TRUE if value1 is greater than or equal to value2 and less than or equal to value3 |
value1 NOT BETWEEN value2 AND value3 | Returns TRUE if value1 is less equal value2 or greater than value3 |
string1 LIKE pattern [ESCAPE escape-character] | Returns TRUE if string1 matches pattern. See the PostgreSQL documentation for more details. |
string1 NOT LIKE pattern [ESCAPE escape-character] | Negation of (string LIKE pattern). |
value1 IN (value2,value3,...) | Returns TRUE if value1 exists in the given list (value2, value3,...). Otherwise returns NULL if the list contains NULL. For example, |
value1 NOT IN (value2,value3,...) | Returns FALSE if value1 exists in the given list (value2, value3,...). Otherwise returns NULL if the list contains NULL. For example, |
Conditional Functions
SQL Function | Description |
CASE value WHEN value_1 THEN result_1 (WHEN value_2 THEN result_2 ...) (ELSE result_n) END | Returns result_x if value is equal to value_x. When no value matches, returns result_n if provided; Otherwise returns NULL |
CASE WHEN condition_1 THEN result_1 (WHEN condition_2 THEN result_2 ...) (ELSE result_n) END | Returns result_x if condition_x returns TRUE. When no condition is met, returns result_n if provided; Otherwise returns NULL |
COALESCE(value1,value2,...) | Returns the first value that is not NULL from value1, value2, ... For example, COALESCE(NULL, NULL, 5, NULL) returns 5. |
Logical Functions
SQL Function | Description |
boolean1 OR boolean2 | Returns TRUE if boolean1 is TRUE or boolean2 is TRUE |
boolean1 AND boolean2 | Returns TRUE if both boolean1 and boolean2 are TRUE |
NOT boolean | Returns TRUE if both boolean is FALSE. |
boolean IS TRUE | Returns TRUE if both boolean is TRUE. |
boolean IS FALSE | Returns TRUE if both boolean is FALSE. |
boolean IS NOT TRUE | Returns TRUE if both boolean is FALSE. |
boolean IS NOT FALSE | Returns TRUE if both boolean is TRUE. |
String Functions
SQL Function | Description |
string1 || string2 | Returns a string that concatenates string1 with string2. For example, 'ab' || 'cd' returns 'abcd'. |
CONCAT(value1, value2,...) | Returns a string that concatenates value1, value2,.... If value is not a string, it is automatically CAST into string. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL. For example, CONCAT('AB', 12, 'CD') returns "AB12CD". |
LENGTH(string) | Returns the number of characters in string. For example, LENGTH('abc') returns 3. |
LOWER(string) | Returns string in upper case. For example, LOWER('ABC') returns 'abc'. |
UPPER(string) | Returns string in upper case. For example, UPPER('abc') returns 'ABC'. |
TRIM([BOTH | LEADING | TRAILING][BOTH \| LEADING \| TRAILING] [string1] FROM string2) | Returns a string that removes leading and/or trailing characters string1 from string2. For example, TRIM(BOTH 'x' FROM 'xxAbcx') returns 'Abc'. |
SUBSTRING(string FROM number1 [FOR number2] | Returns a substring of string starting from position number1 (1-indexed) with length number2 (to the end by default). For example, SUBSTRING('abcdef' FROM 2 FOR 3) returns 'bcd'. |
REGEXP(string1, string2) | Returns TRUE if string1 is matched by regular expression string2. E.g. REGEXP('2020-01-01', '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}') returns TRUE. See the Rust Crate regex for documented syntax. |
REVERSE(string) | Returns the reversed string. For example, REVERSE('abc') returns 'cba'. |
Type Conversion Functions
SQL Function | Description |
CAST(value AS T) | Returns a new value being cast to type T. For example, CAST('42' AS INT) returns 42, and returns NULL if type conversion fails or value is NULL. |
value::T | Alias for CAST(value AS T). |
Allowed Type Conversions
Type | Allowed casts | Description |
STRING | STRING, NUMBER, BOOLEAN, TIMESTAMP | For example, CAST(42 AS TEXT) returns '42' |
BOOLEAN | BOOLEAN, STRING | Only strings 'true' and 'false' can be cast from strings. For example, CAST('true' AS BOOLEAN) returns TRUE |
NUMBER | NUMBER, STRING | For example, CAST('42' AS INTEGER) returns 42. |
TIMESTAMP | TIMESTAMP, STRING | Conversions to and from string accept only RFC3339 formatted timestamps. |
Data Reference Functions
SQL Function | Description |
JSONPATH(string1) | Returns the value of the field specified by string1 from the datapoint being evaluated. For example, JSONPATH('user.name') returns 'Bob' given a datapoint {"user": {"name": "Bob"}}. Returns NULL if the specified field is not found on the datapoint, or the field's value is not a scalar value. Refer to goessner.net for JsonPath syntax. |
identifier | Any identifiers in the expression is interpreted as a field name and returns the corresponding value from the datapoint being evaluated. E.g age + 5 returns 15 given a datapoint {"age": 10}. Returns NULL if identifier is not a root field on the datapoint, or the field does not contain a scalar value. For references to nested fields, see the JSONPATH function |
SQL filter query syntax only supports comments using the following multi-line syntax, /* your_comment */
. For example,
"FIELD" = 'Value' /* additional feature filtering */
Updated 2 days ago