Null Values
Check for null values to ensure data completeness and reliability.
Validator Overview
You can configure an null values validator to track the following:
Metric Type | Description |
Count | The number of null values in the field. |
Percentage | The percentage of null values in the field. |
Metric Configuration Parameters
Parameters | Description | Options |
Metric | Select the metric to calculate. | Count Percentage |
Field | Select a source field to use for the calculation. You can select multiple fields to batch create individual validators for each field. | List of available fields. |
Window | Use windows to define the time-range over which the data is aggregated. | List of existing windows or create a new window. |
Segmentation | Use segmentation to break the data into separate groups for analysis. | List of existing segmentations, Unsegmented (default), or create a new segmentation. |
Initialize using historic data | Start the validator with historical data to prime the anomaly detection algorithms. | n/a |
Updated 21 days ago