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Relative Volume

Compare the difference in row count between two datasets.

Validator Overview

You can configure the relative volume validator to monitor the following metrics:

Metric OptionsDescription
Count RatioCalculates the ratio between the number of rows in the target dataset and the number of rows in the reference dataset.
Percentage RatioCalculates the the number of rows in the target dataset as a percentage of the number of rows in the reference dataset.

Metric Configuration Parameters





Select the metric to calculate.

Count Ratio
Percentage Ratio


Select a source field to use for the calculation. Default is to count the entire record.

List of available fields with numeric data types, or No field (use record).

Reference Field

Select a reference source field to use for the calculation. Default is to count the entire record.

List of available fields with numeric data types, or No field (use record).


(Optional) Use filters to specify which records to include in the calculation.

List of existing filters or create a new filter.

Reference Filter

(Optional) Use filters to specify which reference records to include in the calculation.

List of existing filters or create a new filter.


Use windows to define the time-range over which the data is aggregated.

List of existing windows or create a new window.

Reference Window Offset

The number of windows you want to offset the aggregation.

Enter a number.

Number of Reference Windows

The number of windows to include.

Enter a number.


Use segmentation to break the data into separate groups for analysis.

List of existing segmentations, Unsegmented (default), or create a new segmentation.

Initialize using historic data

Start the validator with historical data to prime the anomaly detection algorithms.