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Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

Prepare credentials and permission in Google Cloud console

Certain credentials and permission are required for Validio to validate your data:

  • A service account with access and permissions to the specified GCS bucket.
  • A JSON file containing the service account key.


Permissions for service accounts

Certain permissions and roles are required for the service account.
For more information, refer to GCP - Introduction to IAM.

Service account for Source config

We recommend that you create a service account where the Validio platform is granted access to the GCS bucket you want to read data from.

The following roles must be assigned to the service account:

  • storage.buckets.get
  • storage.objects.get
  • storage.objects.list

Service account key

  • Obtain a service account key in JSON file format for your service account.
    For details, refer to Create and delete service account keys.
  • Provide the service account to the Credentials field in Validio by either:
    • Upload the JSON file to the JSON file field.
    • Paste the content of the JSON file into the JSON text field.

Credential parameters

Nameโœ…Identifier for the credentials. Used when accessing Sources.service_account_product_staging
Service accountโœ…Upload the JSON file or paste the content of the JSON file containing the service account key.

Configuration parameters

Field Required Description Example



Identifier for the Source. Used when setting up validators.

Project Id


Identifier of the GCS project.



Name of the GCS bucket that contains the folder.



Name of the folder to read data from.

File pattern

Filter what files to read, based on file names and regex expressions.


Cron preset

Determines how often to query the bucket for new data based on a preset option.

Select custom to use your own cron expression.

Cron expression


Determines how often to query the bucket for new data based on cron expression.

Expression of cron presets are displayed here.
Used to enter your own cron expression.

File format


Select the type of file: CSV, Parquet, or JSON.

For CSV file formats, specify the delimiter used in the CSV file and (optional) the character or string used to represent a null value.

CSV delimiter: ,
Null marker: NULL