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In the Incidents tab on the Source details page, you can view and manage incidents in your Source.


For more information about Incidents, refer to Incidents overview.

  1. Click Incidents to display the Incidents tab.
  2. View the Incidents graph for a summary of data quality, for all Sources, over time. You can zoom into the graph using the zoom buttons, or drag within the graph. To pan, hold Shift and drag within the graph.
  3. View a list of all incidents visible in the Incident graph.
    Click on Owner + or Status + to filter Incidents. You can also filter incidents by zooming into a specific time range in the incidents graph.
    Click on Date to sort incidents on data-time, ascending or descending.
    You can assign an owner to, or update the status of, multiple incidents at once:
    • Click on the checkboxes for one, or many, incidents.
    • Click the button Assign owner, or the button Update status, depending on what action you want to perform.
  4. Each incident in the list has the following details:
    • Incident - A text describing the incident.
    • Value - The value of the validator metric.
    • Deviation - How prominent was the incident, defined as the delta between Value and the breached boundary.
    • Validator - The validator capturing the incident.
    • Segment - The segment, if any, where the incident was captured.
    • Status - For example Investigating.
    • Owner - Username of any owner assigned to the incident.
    • Date - How long ago the incident occurred.
      If you click on an incidents, you will navigate to the Incident details page.
  5. Click menu to see the following options:
    • Assign owner
    • Remove owner
    • Update status