About the Overview Page

View a summary of your system setup, system status and displays recent activities in your Validio system.

The Overview page in Validio

The Overview page in Validio

Data quality score

Shows the overall data quality across all of your Sources.

Schema coverage

Shows the overall schema coverage across all fields on your Sources.

Installation in numbers

Shows a summary of your system installation:

  • Sources: number of configured Sources
  • Validators: number of configured Validators
  • Segments: number of fields with applied Segmentation
  • Coverage: number of fields with Validators/total number of fields
  • Users: number of users in the Validio system

Recent activity

Shows a list of activities that occurred in your Validio system in the past 7 days.

Onboarding cards

Depending on the state of your installation, Validio suggests options for configuring components or adding new users in your system.