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Configuring Windows

Use the Window configuration wizard to define a Window in which data is validated in your Source.

1. Select source

Navigate to the Windows tab on the Source you want to configure a Window for.

2. Create Window

Click + New window.

Start the window configuration wizard.

Start the window configuration wizard.

3. Select Window type

Select the Window type that you want to create:

Window configuration wizard - Select Window type.

Window configuration wizard - Select Window type.


Unavailable Window types?

File Windows are only supported for Object storage Source types.

4. Config

Specify the required config options for your Window type:

4.1 Fixed batch window

Data-time fieldField nameIdentifier for the index field used to configure the Window.
Batch sizeNumericNumber of datapoints (rows) of the Window. For example, 256.
Segmented batchingTrue
If True, each segment gets a separate Window of batch size length.
Window configuration wizard - Fixed batch window config.

Window configuration wizard - Fixed batch window config.

4.2 Global window

Global window requires no configuration.

Window configuration wizard - Tumbling window config.

Window configuration wizard - Global window.

4.3 Tumbling window

Data-time fieldField nameThe name of the field that references the timestamp associated with each record or row in the data source.
Window sizeNumericLength of the Window in the selected time unit. For example, 1
Unit of time to define Window size.
Disable window timeoutTrue
Set to true if the window should be automatically closed without considering the most recent data-time.
Window configuration wizard - Tumbling window config.

Window configuration wizard - Tumbling window config.

4.4 File window

Data-time fieldField nameIdentifier for the field used to configure the Window.


File window datasets in distribution shift validation

File window datasets are often used in ML use cases to monitor data drifts.

If you use a production training dataset as reference dataset, as new data is collected, you can monitor distribution shift metrics between the reference dataset and the newly collected dataset.

For information on numeric reference metrics, such as relative entropy, refer to the Numeric distribution or Categorical distribution Validator types.

Window configuration wizard - File window config.

Window configuration wizard - File window config.

4. Create validators

Use the Validator configuration wizard to create Validators with your configured Window.