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View the system status or configure users, identify providers, profile settings, and Credentials. You can also set-up Notification rules and Channels for sending incident reports outside Validio.


In the Profile settings, you can edit your user profile.

Validio users & identity providers.

Settings page

  1. Click on Profile
  2. You can edit your profile details and click on Update profile to update your user profile.


In the Users settings, you can add, update, and delete Validio users. Additionally, you can add identity providers to authenticate the identity of users.

Validio users & identity providers.

Validio users & identity providers.

  1. Click on Users to display users and identity providers.
  2. The Users section lists users created in your Validio system. For each user, it displays information on access privileges, status, associated identities and creation date.
  3. Click on + Add user to create new users for your Validio system.
  4. In the menu you see these options:
    • Update : Update the User.
    • Delete : Remove the User.
  5. The Identity provider section lists identity providers enabled in your Validio system. For each identity provider, it displays status, type and creation date.
  6. Click on + Add identity provider to configure new identity provider for your Validio system.
  7. In the menu you see these options:
    • Update : Update the Identity provider.
    • Delete : Remove the Identity provider.

Add user details

The following fields can be filled in when adding or updating a user:

Note: You can only update user accounts if you are an admin. Admin accounts can not be modified.

Field / Option



Display name

Identifier for the Validio user.

Full name

Name and last name of the user.


E-mail address to the user.


Specify which role and access privileges the user should be assigned:

  • Viewer
  • Editor
  • Admin
  • Guest

User status

Select the account status of the user:

  • Active
  • Pending
  • Inactive

Create username and password for this user

Specify a username and a password, if the user should be able to login using username and password.


Different roles exist in Validio, with the following capabilities:

RoleViewing capabilitiesModifying capabilities
Viewer, GuestAll, except Identity providers and API KeysNone
EditorAll, except Identity providers and API KeysAll, except Users, Identity providers and API Keys
Admin, Super adminAllAll


Users with role Guest can log in using username and password, even if the Local identity provider is disabled. This can be useful, for example, when having external support users who are not part of your SSO provider.


The user admin with the role Super admin is created automatically and cannot be modified or removed.

Add identity provider details

The following fields can be filled in when adding or updating an identity provider.


Field / Option





Identity provider type

Identity provider type.

SAML 2.0



Identifier for the configured identity provider, used to verify user identities in Validio.


Entry point / SSO URL

SSO URL or Location URL for the configured identity provider.


Entity id

[Deployment instance URL]/saml2



Insert your certificate for the identity provider as plain text.



Select to disable this identity provider.

API Keys

In the API Keys settings, you can create, delete or regenerate API Keys. API Keys are needed to manage the Validio platform through the Validio API.

System services.

System services.

  1. Click on API Keys.
  2. The API Keys section displays all your API Keys. For each API Key, it displays role and creation date.
  3. Click on + Create to create a new API Key. For more details on creating API Keys, refer to Validio API
  4. Click on Delete to delete one or more selected API Keys.
  5. In the menu you see these options:
    • Regenerate API key : Regenerate the credentials for your API key.
    • Delete : Remove the API Key.


System settings displays status and version number of the different Validio services.

Service status colors

  • Green - The service is running as normal.
  • Yellow - The service is unavailable.
System services.

System services.