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Prepare credentials and permission in Kafka

Certain credentials and permission are required for Validio to validate your data:

  • Access and permissions to the specific Kafka clusters.


Permissions and roles

Certain permissions and roles are required for the service account.
For more information, refer to Kafka security documentation and Confluent: Kafka SASL/PLAIN authentication.

Authentication methods for Source config

You can select either Kafka SSL Certificate or SASL Plain Credential as authentication method for your Kafka clusters.

Credential typeSelect an authentication method.1. Kafka SSL Certificate


2. SASL Plain Credential

Kafka SSL certificate

The Kafka SSL Credentials credential type requires the following parameters and certificates:

Name✅Identifier for the credentials. Used when accessing Sources.
Bootstrap server✅The address of Kafka load balancer / Kafka cluster address.
CA certificate✅A certificate of Certificate authority (CA) in CRT format.
Client certificate✅Client SSL certificate in PEM format.
Client private key✅Private keys of client certificate in PEM format.
Client private key password✅Password or passphrase of private keys for the client certificate.

You can either provide the certificates and client private key as plain text or upload the files.

Kafka SASL Plain Credential

The Kafka SASL Plain Credential credential type, which uses TLS/SSL as transport layer, requires the following parameters and certificates:

Name✅Identifier for the credentials. Used when accessing Sources.
Bootstrap server✅The address of Kafka load balancer / Kafka cluster address.
Username✅Username for the SASL Plain Credential.
Password✅Password for the SASL Plain Credential.

Configuration parameters

Name✅Identifier for the Source. Used when setting up Validators.
Cluster✅Name of the Kafka cluster to read data from.
Message format✅JSON, AVRO or PROTOBUF
Message schema✅JSON - Not needed, Validio automatically infers schema
AVRO - Refer to Avro Schema Declaration.
PROTOBUF - Refer to Protobuf Message Type.